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Rutina de cuidados para pieles sensibles

Consejos & Productos estrella

hormigueo, tirantez y reacciona con picor, quemazón o enrojecimiento: La piel sensible suele estar causada por factores externos como las condiciones ambientales o como efecto secundario de la sequedad cutánea. Con una rutina de cuidados calmante y nutritiva, puedes reforzar la barrera cutánea debilitada y minimizar las irritaciones. 

Soft cleansing

Mild cleansing emulsions or a gentle cleansing milk that has a slightly moisturising effect and does not dry out the skin are perfect to clean sensitive skin. Tip: Only dab the skin gently with a soft towel after cleansing. A pH-neutral toner with soothing ingredients prepares the skin perfectly for the following skincare.

Soothing serums

You can apply a serum for sensitive skin as additional skincare and especially for strong irritations such as redness and itching. Ingredients such as allantoin, bisabolol and panthenol help the skin to recover more quickly. Apply in the morning and/or evening after cleansing as needed.

Soothing creams

Nourishing face creams with soothing ingredients such as aloe vera, argan or jojoba oil avoid feelings of tension, irritation and redness and leave the skin feeling relaxed. Be careful with products containing alcohol, perfume and preservatives – they can irritate sensitive skin.

Gentle bodycare

The skin on your body is also sometimes sensitive – for example due to dryness or as a reaction to certain cosmetic ingredients. You can easily integrate moisturising after a shower or bath into your daily beauty routine. If your skin is very dry, rich body creams or nourishing oils are perfect. Lighter emulsions with hypoallergenic formulas have a soothing and slightly cooling effect on itchy skin.

Piel sensible

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